Advancements in Cloud Security
Data protection in the cloud is critical. Due to a large number of high-profile hacking incidents, this is a hot topic among business owners, but the fact is that your data is much safer in the cloud, and all cloud storage providers place a high emphasis on protection. As one of the Best End-to-End Development Solutions company Zoondia provides you with the best in class cloud hosting service for your business.
Cloud security is a must-have for all businesses. Especially because, according to the latest research from (ISC)2, 93 percent of organizations are moderately or extremely concerned about cloud security, and one out of every four organizations has confirmed a cloud security incident in the last year.
Why cloud security inevitable?
Technology, controls, procedures, and policies all play a vital role in cloud protection. Cloud security can be thus used in a wide range of unique requirements.
Cloud security ensures user and system authentication, data and resource access control, and data privacy protection. They also help with data security and regulatory enforcement.
Management of Identity and Access
To monitor access to information, every company should have an Identity and Access Management (IAM) system. Your cloud provider can either integrate with your IAM directly or have their own setup.
Physical Security
Another pillar of cloud protection is physical security. Controlling direct access through security doors, continuous power supplies, CCTV, alarms, air and particle filtration, fire safety, and more are all part of physical security.
The use of encryption
You transfer data to and from the cloud provider’s network, which is mostly stored within their infrastructure when you use cloud technology. Encryption is a layer of cloud protection that encrypts your data assets at rest and in transit to secure them.
Why is cloud security essential?
The demand for cloud protection is driven by the widespread adoption of cloud technologies, as well as the volume and complexity of cyber threats.
Increased productivity: Cloud service providers purchase and maintain the underlying cloud infrastructure, allowing companies to concentrate their efforts on their core operations.
Automatic software updates: All software applications accessed via the cloud are typically up to date.
Competitiveness: Companies that use cloud infrastructure will move more quickly than rivals that focus their efforts on obtaining and retaining IT resources.
Cloud security is assisting society in dealing with potential issues such as big data management, cyber-security, and quality control. Furthermore, cloud computing is making new technologies such as artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology, and many other capabilities accessible as services.
Zoondia as one of the Top Cloud Hosting & Storage Providers will help you to meet your business’s needs, in cost-effective and reliable cloud storage solutions.